Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Post crit euphoria/depression

I just loved this image - I wanted something that summed up the three key words I extracted from my paper model - they were strength, balance and tension. I think this picture is perfect.

I enjoyed seeing everyone's work on Monday - and it's fascinating to watch the presentations. How am I ever going to learn how to present articulately and with passion? Why is it when I stand up next to my work, which I have slaved over for a week, and which I DO believe in, I can't think of anything to say?

I must learn some better techniques for talking in front of a crowd of people!

Regardless of all that, I thought the crit was useful, and my feedback wasn't all bad. I always feel a bit intimidated once I've pinned up because there is so much good work being done, and I start to lose confidence in my own.

My original paper model

The key characteristics I extracted were "balance", "strength" and "tension".

My attempts to make sense of it!

Here is the 2nd model - trying to combine the three key words more succinctly.

I've not managed to get much done today - except for this entry - so I will spend the evening with Ching. You never know, this time I might just understand it.


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