Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Can't teach an old dog new tricks

Feeling a bit low after yesterday.

There hasn't been a single unit of this course that I've found easy - I have had to work hard just to keep up but I've enjoyed it all and love that I can see the world in a new way. But I have to ask myself regularly, if I am finding it so hard, maybe I'm doing the wrong thing?

And this blog thing....are we supposed to only write stuff we want our tutors to see? "I'm working really hard"...."it's all coming together now"....."I seem to be making progress". Or can we say what we really think? Which at the moment is..."I don't think I can do it". And will they think that's just a whinge? or a cry for help? an attempt to get some comfort? Or just the truth?

There have been brief highlights when I've thought "yes, I can do it, I know I can". But they have been few and far between and are getting rarer. And, sometimes when I've got it right, I'm not even sure WHY it's right. If you are struggling with your design, and you just don't know what to do to make it better, so you draw and sketch and you go to the lectures and the tutorials and you take notes and read the books and think and analyse and worry and sit up all night and worry some more and shout at the kids and kick the cat and you're still getting nowhere....what does that mean? Am I unteachable? Surely designing is a skill that can be learned? So where am I going wrong? Why can't I learn it? I learnt to read and write and add up and drive and type and speak French and take shorthand and play the guitar. So what's happened to me?

I want to be able to do this thing. Maybe I'm just too old to learn how.

Too old? Too old? Listen to yourself you miserable cow. Sort yourself out. Shut up Jackie and stop moaning. Go and prove to yourself and everyone else that you've got what it takes to get this degree. Stop wallowing about and just do it.

you've got to accentuate the positive
eliminate the negative
latch on to the affirmative
don't mess with mister inbetween

Wise words indeed.


Blogger Unknown said...

good words, and no i don't think you should only write what tutors would like to read. i think it's very obvious that people which are only writing: 'i'm fine, i'm getting on well...' are not very true to themselves. struggling is normal, and sometimes it's fun and sometimes it's sh*t... good luck. you can do it!

10:40 pm  
Blogger Raina said...

Jackie, I think you are selling yourself short. You have good ideas and you are creative. I think that doing a creative degree is very difficult. It is not enough to just have ideas, you have to tick boxes as well. We all have our struggles with this course, and I personally think if I can get through this I can get through anything! It is a shame that one of the aims of the course does not seem to be to fill us with confidence as designers. Maybe that is what we get at the end, but some encouragement along the way would definitely be of benefit to us all. I hope this encourages you.

11:16 pm  
Blogger mary said...

Hi Jackie
I hope things are beginning to pick up and if not just keep saying to yourself you can go another day and when that day is gone, then surely you can go another day. I believe life is a journey,its not a destination! and this journey you are on was meant to be. Its the experience that matters, both good and bad, design is like life, up and down. I find having a bigger picture helps, and for what its worth, i agree with Raina, i think you are creative and have some good ideas. Hang in there, 12 more weeks!

9:07 pm  

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