Thursday, February 02, 2006

Space....the final frontier

Why do I keep using Star Trek terminology? Hmm very weird. But those words keep going round in my head. It's the space, you see. There's so much bloody space in my detailed area and I don't know how to fill it! See what I mean.....

Vast areas of landscape just waiting for something innovative and dynamic and interesting.

Went to Hadlow yesterday to do some (more) surveying. Thank you to Claire for holding the other end of the tape measure and writing notes in sub-zero temperatures. Her detailed area was much more exciting - leaping across streams and fighting through undergrowth - mine was dull in comparison! The whole day was a bit of a class reunion - behind every shrub was a student with a clipboard!

Can't help feeling I'm going over old ground with the survey - I did learn some new things though and, yes, Jamie, the building IS 3.5m high, not the 2.5m that I somewhat tentatively suggested on Monday. It was definitely worth the trip, but I'm still feeling a bit daunted. Oh well, tutorial tomorrow, hope to get a few more pointers on what to put where.


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