Saturday, April 15, 2006


Well Happy Easter to you all, and especially to me, because I've finally got the design copied and saved on a CD ready for playing with.

I had it copied in negative as well, which I think looks quite cool and will help me illustrate my lighting concept (should I ever get round to putting it on paper!)

Have been working hard on a new model and I hope to share some pictures of it with you all soon. Those stupid little plastic people at 1:200 are so hard to work with. I think I've got a couple stuck in my hair, which makes me look quite mad.

Right - back to work on the model now. Have a good weekend everyone, don't eat too many eggs.


Blogger Raina said...

It looks great Jackie. You have done alot of work on it......well done, I really like it.

6:20 pm  
Blogger Annie said...

Yes, ditto from me. It looks a very appealing design. You've done well. Enjoy Easter - what's left of it!

12:52 pm  

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