Monday, May 22, 2006

Parents eh?

Just had the most surreal conversation with my Mum about the final crit. "What about the lighting concept?" she said "They must have liked that, I thought it was brilliant, so pretty!". I said "no Mum, they said it needs to be stronger". "For goodness sake" she said "what do they want - spotlights? Can't you just put in a bigger bulb?".

Why didn't I think of that? Sorted!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you got through 'the big day' in one piece. For a hapless amateur gardener like me, all the pictures and models look very spectacular and professional. Not long to go now. The main thing to remember is that it is a means to an end...once you get out there doing this stuff for a living it won't make a blind bit of difference what the examiners thought or whether you followed their artificial processes and deadlines as much as they'd have liked. What will matter is that you will be doing something you enjoy, making a contribution to the world and getting paid too. Sounds pretty good to me! See you soon.

11:20 am  
Blogger Annie said...

Jackie - what a nice brother you have. He's just put it all precisely into perspective for us. Thank you! Sounds as though your Mum's pretty supportive too -at least she's thinking about the issues sensibly, unlike the rest of us who get so close to it.

4:17 pm  
Blogger Raina said...

Brothers are brilliant!

10:08 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hold your head high, 4 years ago you would never have believed that you could have achieved all of this. You are an inspiration to me and all those who know you. One final push and then the rest of your life opens up to you. There is nothing you cannot do, be strong and believe. You are fab!!

10:29 am  
Blogger Jackie Edwards said...

Blimey, Anonymous! Thanks very much. Don't know who you are, but you're obviously an intelligent and discerning individual! Feel free to comment on my blog anytime!

11:40 am  
Blogger NOT a happy bunny and cous! said...

Your brother sounds alot more interested and concerned than mine. He just says I am doing a GCSE in weeds!! I've learned to ignore him.
Hang in there and keep ticking off the boxes.

7:09 am  

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