Saturday, May 13, 2006


Well another beautiful day dawns, the little birdies are tweeting and my cats are stretching themselves in the early morning sunshine.

All is peaceful and serene - a perfect late spring morning in the suburbs. A gang (not sure of the collective noun) of racing pigeons just whooshed past overhead as I stood outside with my first cup of tea, gazing sadly at the wreck which is my garden and wondering how long it's going to take me to get the weeds back under control.

Got up early so at least some of the domestic chores are out of the way and I can start working on the long list of outstanding jobs I made during yesterdays lecture. Its the only way - get started before the family descends on me and start trying to break my concentration.

So - tracing paper, check, pencil case, check, cup of tea, check. Eyes down for your first's gonna be a long 6 days, but when the world is looking so great just outside the window, everything seems possible.


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