Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Well this is odd. Twiddling my thumbs a bit.

I haven't had many images on the blog recently because it was all a bit too much like hard work and I had very little time to sit around waiting for them to upload. But today, the clock has stopped, my shoulders are now in a normal position, not stuck up by my ears, and for the first time in ages, I'm not in a rush.

So....here is a picture of my baby in it's beautiful entirety:

I know it's not perfect - but to me it's beautiful. Although I got the real arse-end space of the studio to pin up in - not even three boards across and various light switches, steel girders, window handles and radiators to contend with, I did my best to use every available inch, and the measuring and planning worked because it all seemed to fit in just right.

I am ridiculously proud of this assorted collection of bits of paper. I didn't like to leave it behind, and I kept wanting to rush over, spit on a hanky and rub its face. How can I leave it there all alone? No-one will understand it like I do! I just hope it can stand up on its own and not need me all the time. Got to cut the apron strings at some point.

On to other business....I have had a complaint that the words of "My Way" in my previous post were not given the usual Jackie Edwards treatment! In my defence, I was a little tied up at the time (7am on Final Pinup Day), and anyway the original words expressed perfectly how I was feeling at the time, so I didn't think I needed to add anything to them.

I'm taking today to relax a bit. And by relaxing I mean that I'm going to help my daughter revise for her History exam tomorrow, do 18 loads of washing, and try to reduce the ironing mountain that has built up over the last month and is now blocking the entrance to the spare room.

Well done everyone, there was some stunning work pinned up yesterday. Looking forward to seeing you all at the Barby. Not sure what happens with the blog now - I guess after this week it will be all over, blogwise! It's been a really good way of staying in touch with fellow students - when there's no time to socialise it's nice to know that you can still communicate. It has really helped me to let off steam, to put my point of view across, and generally stay in touch with you all - and I've had such a lot of support from everyone when things were tough so thank you.

By the way - I won the bid on ebay! So I'm off to the Isle of Wight with the kids!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Sis
Not sure you'll be reading this anymore but just in case....Mum told us about your result. Well done! You must be very proud - and relieved to be through the other side (unscathed??). Hope you enjoyed the IoW. See you soon.

9:58 am  

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